Birds of Prey (2020)
Terrible title, movie is a fun watch.
7 March 2020
Not knowing what to expect, I was more or less a blank canvas going into this movie. By the end, I had enjoyed myself and while it was a little too much on the 'women good - men bad' train that seems to be going around these days, it was tolerable. My biggest gripe with the film was even bothering to include Birds of Prey in the title, the movie should simply have been called the Emancipation of Harley Quinn. The phrase 'Birds of Prey' only comes into it at the very end of the movie and even then it is nothing more than a throw away line, not even enough to set up a stand-alone Birds of Prey movie, not that I could see much of a demand for one.

But the movie is fun, a great afternoon filler at matinée or cheapie Tuesday prices. It's difficult to shake the feeling that so much more could have been done here with the concept and this was a wasted opportunity.
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