Review of Blurryman

The Twilight Zone: Blurryman (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Let me just add to the correct one-star reviews
5 March 2020
This was, perhaps, one of the worst things I've ever seen anywhere. It is the nadir of this iteration of The Twilight Zone, which was an entire series of nadirs. I have lost a huge amount of respect for Mr. Peele, whose last two films I enjoyed. He's a terrible host, and why he's billed maybe speaks to the ego at work here (Mr. Serling was never billed as "narrator").

With this episode, this sorry excuse for what the kiddies like to call a reboot (or is there a newer word now), the show not only jumps the proverbial shark, it actually eats itself. Shame on everyone involved. And of course the idiotic CBS All Access renews it for another season. I can't even imagine what this piece of dog snot actually costs, but I'm glad these substandard writers, who can't even sustain whatever lame story idea they have for even five minutes, and the even lamer directors, who wouldn't know an original shot if it hit them in the head and who are all obviously following some cookie-cutter directorial road map, and awful actors will keep profiting from their amateur work. This series is a textbook example of everything that's wrong with TV today.
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