This Film Put Me in Mind of...
4 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
... little kids running around the woods with toy guns, playing army. Not that any of the characters actually do this, it's just that this movie is of that kind of quality.

Our intrepid heroes, Dewey and Jeff, are bound and determined to explore and expose the mysteries of the deep Tillamook Forest. There is strange phenomena in and around the Tillamook, ranging from unusually large and malformed insect life, to strange plant life. In the pursuit of their investigation, they seek advice and assistance from a variety of sources, and they are run off at gunpoint by one source, and enter into a clandestine arrangement with the other.

This movie is basically two guys running around the woods with a camera, spouting metaphysical nonsense. Dewey is the believer, and Jeff is the skeptical one behind the camera. Yes, Jeff is skeptical.

Then, he isn't.

Then, he is.

Then, he isn't.

Then he is.

Then, he isn't.

After not quite receiving the help that they actually wanted, Dewey and Jeff head off to the mysterious Grid D-14, sort of the Bermuda Triangle of the Tillamook Forest. They hear mysterious noises. They find what looks like an old cabin. Next to the cabin, they find what appears to be gnawed upon animal carcasses. Dewey takes one of the carcasses and stuffs it into his shoulder bag, and then our stalwart investigative duo are chased off by mystery monsters.

The film ends with them crouched and in hiding in the woods, discussing what their next move is going to be. This seems to promise a sequel. Please, please break this promise. Please.
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