Black Robe (1991)
Silence Meets Dances With Wolves.
2 March 2020
Black Robe may have been better if a similar movie hadn't crossed my mind as I watched it. That movie was Silence, Martin Scorsese's masterpiece with similar themes that was released 25 years later. While this is good on it's own, Silence is far superior.

The movie focuses on 2 Christian missionaries who meet some Indians and teach them about Christianity. This leads to some persecution, but many come to faith in the process.

There is much to admire about the movie, one thing being the cinematography. The atmosphere is very pretty to look at. The acting is fine as well, but nothing amazing or Oscar worthy. Also, overall, despite some slow parts, the movie is overall quite engaging.

However, Black Robe is not a perfect movie. There are quite a few problems that I had with the movie:

1. Like I said, the first 10 minutes were a bit slow and I had a hard time following it at first. There are other slow parts as well, but that doesn't last LONG at any time.

2. Some of the scenes didn't make sense. For example, the main character walked into a room and my Grandma and I wondered what the room was. I suggested it was the monastery, but I wasn't sure.

3. This movie had 3 graphic sex scenes between 2 people, and they serve no purpose. This R Rated movie could have been PG-13 without it, and I wish the movie could have went without them. Look, I'm not a prude, but if sex is going to be in a movie, it should have a purpose, and this movie added it with none.

4. There were a couple of theological issues I had with the movie. For example, an Indian asks a missionary why he should go to Christian Heaven. The missionary says that if he believes in Jesus he can be with Him forever for eternity. The Indian asks "But what if my wife doesn't go to Heaven? How can I be happy?"

The missionary does not give a proper answer to this(which I will not spoil), and I found that disappointing. A good response would have been "If your wife believes, she can have eternal life as well." Sadly, that was not the response in the movie.

So there are indeed some flaws with Black Robe, but that said, I still enjoyed it and recommend it, because the good I mentioned overshadows the bad.

In summary, Black Robe is a beautifully made movie, and despite it's downfalls, it is worth at least a watch.

Note: I may see this again, but I am in no rush to do so.
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