John Garfield as a doctor under the charge of psychiatrist Raymond Massey
29 February 2020
The interesting thing about this film is the plot, which should have interested Hitchcock, who would have been able to make a masterpiece of it on par with "Foreign Correspondent". The story twists about with constant surprises and unexpected turns, while from the beginning you are taken for a ride in a mystery: a girl in a taxi car crash wakes up with total amnesia, but fortunately there is John Garfield in the ambulance as a doctor to take care of the case, and he is taken for a ride too, by Raymomnd Massey as an admired former teacher and chief psychiatrist, who is convincing enough as such but who, as always, is a very double nature. Unfortunately the direction does not take care of the enormous potential of this intrigue but rather casually just pushes on to make a rather superficial entertainment. It's fascinating, though, although the war is over since more than 75 years, and there is a lot of James Bond and Ian Fleming ingredients long before their time. John Garfield and Raymond Massey make the film and a perfect pair in this intrigue, which continues consistently to remain ambiguous to the ingenious end.
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