28 February 2020
I truly feel sorry for those of you with such limited attention span. This film has been described as a "slow burn" which is absolutely correct. There is no immediate gratification, and that's not the point. The cheap thrills or jump scares are non-existent, but what we do have is extremely unsettling and masterfully crafted. This is not meant to be about your fear of clowns, or some maniac that wears a mask and hunts teenagers in the forest..... No, this story hits home because it is about the fear of the real evil in people. What folks will do in the name of religion, or what effect mental illness has and how it could effect entire generations of family. Unfortunately, the real fun (if I can call it fun) is saved for the last act of the film. The story comes together slowly, and introduces all these members of a strange and secretive family, but we don't learn why they are so strange and secretive until things come to a head. It would be torture if this formula was repeated a billion times, but I didn't feel that way. I felt this story was fresh, and told in a way that felt like slowly discovering that the family a block away is hiding secrets, and it takes a long time to figure out how screwed up they really are... The acting is top notch from everyone ( Michael Parks is always amazing, but everyone kept up with him). All of the characters are independant and have their own motivations despite their relationships to each other.... Be warned that the majority of this movie is thriller, and paced to be unknown and creepy. The true horror aspects don't come in until the end. Rob Zombie fans would not approve... Bravo for everything put together on a relatively low budget, because the visuals, acting, music, and editing all work together for a gripping thriller that I found for free on a streaming app.
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