Thappad (2020)
An Unbelievable masterpiece ! An eye-opener to a plethora of horrifying truths prevalent in the society !
28 February 2020
A movie which can't be reviewed.

It's shaken me to the core,chills & goosebumps were a constant and I still feel them whenever I think about this masterpiece !

I felt uncomfortable, uneasy & was literally sinking on my seat and that precisely is what this movie wants you to feel while showcasing certain aspects of life which, at least I, personally never even thought about, forget about considering them to be wrong. No, I'm not talking about that 1 SLAP, nopes. It's much more, so much more,something which we as humans just seem to not even think about !

This movie hits you hard,bluntly and way too severely. It's just cut through the very foundations of my basic morales,almost each & every dialogue is like a knife, piercing through your body.

Taapsee has delivered her best performance,you'll feel every bit of her emotions, cry with her, feel whatever she's going through completely ! A HUGE SALUTE TO HER for doing this "highly required" movie ! Kumud Mishra is excellent as always & I loved the acting of the entire cast !

Anubhav Sinha is just the perfect director for this, I'm surprised being a male, he could actually make this one so hard-hitting & lethal in it's message deliverance.If you loved Article 15,you'll cherish this one ! Specially during the most important scene of this movie, when it's about to happen, you know it's coming yet when it occurs,it'll send shivers down your spine. Terrific work ! And I'm surprised a male writer could pen down this script thus breaking the unconventional notion that only a female can relate to such horrifying yet true issues so deeply !

It's truly brilliant, I just couldn't ask for anything more,it's made me think so much,made me feel inferior in ways I can't even describe properly and left me speechless !

It has so much to ponder over,I'll be thinking about it for quite a few days.It made me emotional,teary-eyed and was terrifying in unimaginable ways.

PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE GO & WATCH THIS MOVIE ! Every male needs to watch this and so does every female. The society needs this !

Rating - 5/5 (Feels so proud to see a movie making a breakthrough in stereotypical and orthodox society with primitive prejudices)

Lastly, this movie has changed me as a human,my perception towards feminism & opened my eyes to the horrendous injustice unknowingly being done in the society)

Try to watch it with atleast one female or discuss this movie with one,if you're a male,as you'll surprisingly realize so much more this exceptional piece of art has to offer !!
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