High Ground (2020)
A Guide to viewing High Ground.
27 February 2020
The timing of this movie's release is of no coincidence, and the story conveyed within it is far from simple. Seen by itself it could be easy to view it as a simple story. But seen in a wider context it has the potential to bridge great divides that stand between us. With so much division and conflict in the world, it is time to forgive and heal "High ground" presents an opportunity to serve this process when seen it the proper context. During my conversations with senior elders from the central desert, I was shown what is required for true healing to occur in Australia between its many peoples and the first tribes. The famous apology by Kevin Rudd in parliament in 2008 did not heal the wound. What is required is more personal, like an exercise you might do at school. Imagine that you are the sole survivor of the massacre, that you are the last of your tribe, your family. Those who you have seen cut down in front of you are your uncles and aunties, your brothers and sisters, your nephews and nieces, your mother and your father. Allow yourself to feel this fully, do not hold back. Put yourself right into the depth of it. Suffer it, conduct this pain in silence, because no one is going to listen to you, no one is going to come and save you, and no justice is going to be served on your behalf. If you do this exercise fully, it will break you and wound you. You will act differently and behave differently. And when you stand in front of the real elders, they will see it in your eyes, see it in your body. Words will not be required, handouts will not be necessary. Understanding and compassion will be the case. Forgiveness will be its sign. This is how we heal, this is the way of the heart. The 1992 movie "Thunder Heart" staring Val Kilmer, documents the massacre of Sioux Indians at Wounded knee in south Dakota. This movie should be seen before you see High Ground. This pattern that has played out through history, is as old as the story of Cane and Abel, whereby we would kill our brother to possess his land. Yet even after all this blood shed, the death of so many innocent, the true spirit of a living man and living woman, still shines forth. Unblemished by the suffering of this world, we call out to our brothers and sisters. "we are one family, time to stop behaving as if we were not!" This is the unspoken message of "High Ground" and the many movies that have portrayed similar stories. Australia is entering a time of prophecy and many great events will soon transpire that will restore hope and joy into the hearts of all Australians. This movie can be the catalyst to great change, we are waiting for your response and we will see the answer in your eyes and hearts.
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