A non-meme review
24 February 2020
This is a very middle of the road show, not bad, but I doubt it will be remembered in a few years for anything other than blurring the boundary between ecchi and hentai. I don't normally review the anime I watch on here, but the lack of earnest non-joke reviews has made me decide to write something up.

Pros: >Very appealing art. The more cartoony designs are right up my alley and the style is distinct. >Great character designs both male and female. The monster girls are attractive and have interesting concepts >Catchy OP >While the concept is crass it is interesting and lends itself well to comedy >The low-brow humor is actually quite good and made me chuckle more than a few times. >Skunk, Zel, and Cirno have a great dynamic and them talking about personal preferences and arguing about chicks is the best part of the show.

Cons: >Once the actual sex scenes starts the episodes instantly go downhill. It is too explicit for people just looking for ecchi shenanigans, and doesn't show enough to make it worth watching if you just want porn. >Narrated sex scenes are even more painful than a badly written doujin. >Show wastes time setting up stuff that clearly isn't going anywhere. >Sex scenes bring the shows pace to a halt and don't have enough going on to make up for it.

So basically the show excels at presentation. Its world is fun, the characters are cute, the style is colorful. Everything that should draw me into the show is there. Interspecies Reviewers however is lacking in substance and fails to get me invested. The characters and comedy are present, but the show would rather push the envelope than focus on either. This leads to a bland show without a lot to be interested in besides its softcore censored sex. Scenes I quickly lose interest in and find myself wishing to fast forward through to get to the actual review. Perhaps as an actual hentai it would work. I wouldn't watch it and it wouldn't have been picked up allowing it to reach a more general audience but for what the show is aiming for it would have been more beneficial.

I've heard that the manga is more of a raunchy comedy and is lacking the actual intercourse. That sounds much more to my liking and I'm probably going to go check it out. As it stands I can't really recommend this show to anyone. As far as monster girl shows go Monster Musume is the better overall show and deliverers the fanservice and laughs equally. I'd recommend it every time over this. Interspecies Reviewers isn't bad and it had potential. I just wish it actually focused on delivering a good show not seeing just how far it can go.
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