Many reviewers have pondered the relationship between "Betty Boop" . . .
21 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . and her first mutt "Bimbo," which was reputedly a conjugal one. But what about Betty's interactions with her next cur, "Pudgy," from the later 1930s? Everyone has heard the expression that "A dog is a man's best friend." Loyal canines have served their masters as "seeing eyes," emotional support animals, relaxation buddies and have even swung into action in the guise of smoke detectors on some fiery occasions. But on the flip side, it's a less common usage to say that "Rover is a girl's best bud." Some researchers claim that a Lover named "Linda" permanently poisoned this well back in the 1970s with her infamous take upon the RIN TIN-TIN flicks. Other authorities cite evidence dating back further than Lassie to suspect the so-called "fair sex" of being overly partial to certain kinds of congress with doggies. Suffice it to say that in A LITTLE SOAP AND WATER, Betty does NOT reek of total innocence when it comes to possible charges of species comingling. Perhaps Exhibit A would be the point in this sordid story when Pudgy "rides" his mistress across the living room, with only the thickness of a thin carpet serving as a barrier or chaperone. Then, towards the end of this dog-gone exercise, Betty lets slip with an "Okay, Toots" while Pudgy is the only animate critter in the room! Does this sound like a harmless interlocution to you? Perhaps Betty's mouth (or, better yet, mind) needs to be washed out with A LITTLE SOAP AND WATER!
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