The Flash: A Girl Named Sue (2020)
Season 6, Episode 12
Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse.
21 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode was once again an awful episode this season. I'm getting close to quitting what used to be my favorite show. This episode was another just absolutely horrendous episode. So, first of all there is clearly something wrong with Sue, but Ralph who's supposed to be a detective somehow doesn't notice that, but whatever, that's okay. I can forgive that. But I can't forgive what follows--like fifty plot holes. So second, Ralph seems to only have powers when it's convenient. Gets punched in the face and knocked out by a random thug. Isn't he supposed to be invulnerable??? He's gotten shot with a freakin' missile and survived. But this episode he gets knocked out with one punch? Then later that same episode Sue leads him into the bank vault and (after realizing that he is a meta-human) punches him and knocks him out. She didn't even have a taser or a gun or anything? That was her whole plan? Then she locks the grate to trap him in, even though she knows that he has the power to basically phase through walls by squishing himself. But he doesn't do that and lets her get away. Then lo and behold there's some more goons. Elongated man squeezes through the ceiling and then covers her from a barrage of gunfire. So, apparently now he has invulnerability??? Then ultraviolet shows up and knocks out the goons. And then hits Ralph with a blast because he was trying to save that guard--okay, that's cool. Then Sue challenges her to a fistfight because she's an ultra-competent fighter because she went to a YMCA tae bo class or something. And then Ultraviolet decides not to disintegrate her????????? Why???? She could have just ended it right there. She's supposed to be a villain right? Then they fight and they both escape. Then Flash shows up. Wait what show was I watching again? Oh yeah THE FLASH. He has had like two minutes of screen time on his own show for the past three episodes. Then Barry says "I looked for them but I couldn't find them." Umm, haven't in previous episodes you've been able to freeze time when a bomb was going off and you could search the entire city before a single second goes by??? Barry's powers are extremely inconsistent. This was such a horrible episode. I'm getting very close to quitting this show. I thought last weeks episode was the worst episode of the whole show, but I was wrong. This is.
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