Summer of '67 (2018)
Not the Sixties I knew
20 February 2020
This is a morose film with weird colours like some kind of dated faded 16mm cine camera. It did not capture the feeling of the times which despite the war was very vibrant and alive. I never saw any women dressed like they are in this film. They look like something out of a fifties catalog.

What I remember of the sixties and especially 67 was the very short skirts the girls wore and the pop music, which was everywhere. Something you never forget. And the fact that everyone was much happier and natural back then than they are today.

People were much poorer back then and had less but they were happier. Of course the war messed a lot of people up and I met my fair share of broken people.

I was out in Singapore in 67, which in those days was a blend of the UK and traditional China. But life was fun even if it was a lot simpler back then and quite beautiful, even though people including myself were sometimes hungry.

Nothing in this film resembled 67 in any way at all.
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