Vastly underrated, character driven western from the 50's, which deserves to be on the Top lists from this genre !!
19 February 2020
Unconventional and character driven western film, shot in the beautiful San Juan Mountains and Durango in Colorado, marked the 3rd genre collaboration between director Anthony Mann and his star, James Stewart, after "Winchester '73" ('50) & "Bend of the River" ('53) and followed by "The Far Country" ('54) & "The Man from Laramie" ('55).

Jimmy Stewart plays here an ex-rancher turned Bounty Hunter, Howard Kemp, chasing an old friend guilty for killing a Town Marshall, Ben Vandergroat (Robert Ryan) to colect the reward and start over his life. On the way, Kemp mets two improbable partners, an old prospector, Jesse Tate (Millard Mitchell) and an ex-cavalry officer discharged for bad behavior , Roy Anderson (Ralph Meeker). When they get to Ben, the group discovers a beautiful girl called Lina Patch (Janet Leigh), the daughter of a Ben's ex-associate, which is accompanying him on the run. The tension increases when both Howie and Roy start to fall for her and Ben uses it to try to escape, at the same time he manipulates the group that his 5000$ reward is better if not divided by three...

The Oscar nominated screenplay, smartly penned by Sam Rolfe & Harold Jack Bloom, not only was very unusual in the genre, but also great in create tension, using sharp dialogues and showing the flaws in every of the only 4 male characters in the movie: Howie's blind radicalism; Ben's lack of sympathy or humanity; Roy's lack of character and Jesse's greediness. Only Lina is kind of innocent and pure character that works as the redeeming conscience of the group.

All-american screen idol, Jimmy Stewart is always great in this kind of role, this time playing more of an anti-hero, but he's outshined everytime Robert Ryan appears on-screen in his sleazy, sarcastic, laid back and scene-stealer performance as Ben (think Eli Wallach in "The Magnificent Seven" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" or Burt Lancaster in "Vera Cruz"). Janet Leigh is ferocious and cute at the same time, leaving her mark in a cast of men. Character actor, Millard Mitchell offers fine support, playing the out-of-luck prospector Jesse and Hollywood hellraiser, Ralph Meeker could have played the rowdy Roy in his sleep. Overall, a great casting decision.

Adding the great direction by Mann and astonishing cinematography by William C. Mellor, makes "The Naked Spur" probably, the best of the 5 Mann / Stewart collaborations and also one of the Top westerns from the 50's Era.

Highly recommended !!
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