Green Fingers (2019– )
Green Fingers Review
19 February 2020
This show is called Green Fingers. It is a pilot for a sitcom created by the team at V-Pac Productions. Never heard of them? Well you are missing out. They are the minds behind Lit Laughs which are short comedy sketches around the ridiculousness of life situations in the 21st Century. You can find them on Facebook and Youtube under Lit Laughs. Anyway back to Green Fingers. The episode is directed by and stars Velton Lishke alongside Pete Bennett, who people may recognise from his naughties stint in Big Brother. For me one of the most important aspects of a sitcom is characterisation. Every character has to be defined and exaggerated to an extent where you pick up their traits quickly. All good sitcoms do it. Only Fools, Fawlty Towers, Not Going Out, etc. Green Fingers gets this down to a tee. By the end of the episode you have a strong gauge of most of the characters and you want to see more. What you have to remember when going into this episode is that it is only a pilot. It isn't perfect. Is anything? It is rough around the edges and has early problems with pacing. There is also a scene involving the lead and his wife which was very strange and out of place for me however it may work for others. The chemistry between Velton Lishke and Pete Bennett as the leads is the heartbeat of the episode and it lays seeds for further progression if they decide to continue to create more episodes. They seem to play off each other naturally and genuinely seem to be enjoying performing together. Overall I would say give the show a chance. You will probably enjoy it and laugh a few times. Spot the potential there and give the creators the benefit of the doubt for anything you think doesn't work. Given its chance this could be a very good low budget sitcom in the future.
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