Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati (2020)
Season 12, Episode 8
Nearly a half decent story but spoiled by the 3 Idiots and the Clown
17 February 2020
We begin on Lake Geneva with some proper actors recreating a famous coming together of poets and writers that would result in one of the most famous pieces of English Literature.

Then 3 Idiots and a Clown turn up and .... surprise surprise we actually get a half decent story. A Haunted House Mystery. But this is in spite of rather than because of the travelling circus in the TARDIS.

10 minutes in and the Clown starts waving the spoon-stick around checking the non existent screen and the Idiots wander around interacting with the famous and showing how out of their depth they are when with real actors. Once again she uses her super-powers licking dirt and knowing things and the Vulcan Mind-Meld from Star Trek.

She really is terrible in this and comes over as a total idiot whenever she tries to sound clever. Her facial expressions and babbling nonsense when an old foe appears show how far this show has fallen. Nothing about her says she is The Doctor and she will never ever be The Doctor just a really bad actor with no endearing qualities.

In the hands of really good writers like Dr Who used to have this would have a decent story but it fell short. Maybe next week will improve things. One thing of note is how the current crop of writers are rewriting Dr Who lore which has a lot of people annoyed. But to be honest this aspect does not bother me too much. This is a show about time travel and parallel universes so these things can happen and have already happened before Whittaker appeared.

The writing is ham-fisted rubbish mostly but has had a couple of good ideas as in this episode. S11 was abysmal. S12 is awful BUT has had a couple of decent elements. If Whittaker could just tone down her pitiful performance and the 3 Idiots could be left somewhere guarding something so The Doctor can have a go at being The Doctor we may well see a good episode.
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