Incredibly revealing
15 February 2020
I have been watching Arashi over the years, primarily through all of the dramas they have all acted in. And I've also seen the variety shows, their music and knew about their concert tours. But I never really thought about the incredible amount of work they must put in to achieve the success they have had. This series brings that point home. It is absolutely fascinating watching the group dynamics, the kinship they feel after being together for 20 years, the individual personalities but most of all, the dedication they feel for their craft. You might not love their music or dance or acting but you must respect their professionalism and the effort they put in. Only in Asia could you see five teenagers " giving up" their life to become stars and to work at it for 20 years. I wish each and every one of them well in the birth of their "second" life after Arashi.
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