Rusty Knife (1958)
Average yakuza/noir film
7 February 2020
Far too wordy and expository in its script, with plot points explained by characters ad nauseum, making even its modest 90 minute run time seem long. The film goes for something pretty interesting, with crimes committed by the yakuza going unreported out of fear, and events of the past resurfacing to suck a guy who is trying to go straight back into tangling with the gang. He also wonders if he killed the wrong guy in retaliation.

Unfortunately, the execution left a lot to be desired, with questionable character actions, telegraphed plot developments, and some pretty awful fight scenes. The incredibly hammy acting during a death by poison scene should be shown to all young actors as an example of how not to do it. I loved the idea of the larger, unseen force behind organized crime, when we find the kingpin himself is taking orders from someone, but those moments are tarnished later when the mystery man reveals himself and acts in a silly way. Joe Shishido ("Joe the Ace"), who sadly just passed away at 86, appears pre-cheek augmentation surgery in a small role, and may have ended up being the highlight for me.
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