The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
The Lighthouse is film making at its finest
6 February 2020
Let me just start this review by saying that this film is near perfect. Robert Eggers, writer and director of the Witch, which was a promising debut feature but showed a film maker that hadn't quite refined his craft yet. This film shows him at his best. The Lighthouse is one of the most brilliantly shot films I have ever seen. Its use of Black and White and a 1.19:1 Aspect ratio just makes you immersed in the world and setting that Robert Eggers has created, giving us some excellent writing by using a form of old sailor talk English that just puts you into this atmosphere. The production design is fantastic and having it filmed at a real location further enhances the experience.

The performances in this film are also flawless. Starting with Willem Dafoe who completely disappears into this character giving us a character you feel exists in this world and only this world, he also gives some fantastic monologues that are bone chilling and engaging. Robert Pattinson absolutely nails his performance here too giving us his best performance ever by far, his monologues are just as equally bone chilling and engaging. Both of these characters lead by these two knockout performances take us on an emotional roller coaster, at some points you sympathise with them, at other points you hate them, which only shows that these performances are of the highest standard.

Overall, The Lighthouse is a great film that will require 2 or 3 viewings as there is a lot of things to interpret, but that won't matter as the career defining performances from Willem Dafoe, and Robert Pattinson will transport you to one of the most intriguing, thought provoking and atmospheric worlds in cinema. Robert Eggers fantastic writing and direction give us an experience that is very unique and will never be re created again as it feels like something only Robert Eggers could make.
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