Hikaru no Go (2001–2003)
What the heck kind of ending is this?
5 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I wasted my time, and please don't give me the bulls×it answer on the web of "we have to grow up sometimes" and let things go because that makes no sense considering the way that the show was written and paced. There was no indication that Sai was or was going to disappear. It was randomly written in and then he was gone, never conveying his feelings to Hikaru and leaving him suspended in greif that could have been saved by just simply communicating.

I thought it'd end and Hikaru and Sai would be together until the end, that they would play some more great games, not have Sai randomly disappear near the end and waste your time with mindless prattle and storylines that you don't care about mixed with annoying scenes of Hikaru saying "I'll never play Go again" and generally sulking. I thought Sai and Hikaru would play The Divine Move together.

I would have felt bad for him, if they would have shown him feeling more, but we got a crap load of filler and then what felt like a total cop out at the end with an abrupt end with no real resolution as to why Sai disappeared, or what The Divine Move was, or if it would ever be played. Just more prattle about how "it takes 2 to play Go." Yeah? Well it takes 2 to write and animate and these people couldn't even do that right. The writer failed.

It was such a great series up until the end until they ruined it with a rushed, filler filled, crappy ending that made it feel like I just wasted so much time on what I thought was going to be a great series, but it just blew itself up.

I wouldn't recommend this series.
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