The Andy Griffith Show (1960–1968)
Small Town, Strange Community, Big Warm Hearts
4 February 2020
This is one of my favorite comedies of all time. This was one of the first comedies shows I've seen when I was about 8, let alone one of the first comedy from yesteryear I've ever seen as this is a show that's in black and white format. Most comedy shows in my book don't always hold up or are the kind I can see once or twice but then there are some I can easily watch again and make me with which makes this show timeless.

Most of this show's influence and inspiration has been echoed throughout the years and so all utilizing the small town quirky strange commune format; "The Adventures of Pete and Pete", "Northern Exposure", "Twin Peaks" and "Eureka".

I like the fact the show is in black and white (ok I know it was seasons 1 through 5. 6 through 8 were colored but those count and kind of sucked in my book) the black and white I feel not just give the show the feel of yesteryear, but also make the show sort of dreamlike, which adds to quirky existence Andy and company inhabit as Mayberry is a place I feel is one step in reality but one step away.

One of the things I like about the show is the sense of familiarity and simplicity. I really like how Mayberry is conceived as it's a mid-America town that looks and feels like some of the small towns that anyone lived in. I used to live in small towns along with both my mom and dad. This sort of helps make the show a little relatable for anyone that has ever lived in those places. Though for anyone that hasn't it's a good curiosity or even breath of fresh air to get a feel of what small town life was like back then.

Mayberry indeed is very interesting because, despite such a small town it's not boring, the populace is full of people that are strange/quirky or have their quirks, these are people that all beat to a different drummer. But there is this sense of friendliness and community as it looks like everyone is looking out for everyone and even cares what happens to the other. I really like this because it really gives the family dynamic a broader sense and not just resigned on the usual format which was in most sitcoms; it just shows how family can be a collection of individuals to make a whole.

Of, course I'll never forget the theme song "Fishing Hole" which is believe it or not one of my favorite theme songs. It's great because it's so simple as it's just whistling, guitar strumming and even snapping near the end of the theme, it's kind of a folksy tune but it really fits like a glove for this show because of how it fits the mid America location.

There actually is a version with the actual song lyric sung by Andy Griffith himself, which I honest never knew existed but I'm glad I found it because it sound great, it's a little different as it has some jazz tune to it but makes the tune sound even better and still fits. Listening to both versions is interesting as both are good the same and their own way.

The characters and supporting characters are all good in their own way and all of them were actually well rounded and even had some development, which actually made these characters feel human like they could almost actually exist. Though for me what really made the show were these three that truly made the show, it was always cool whenever all three got together sometimes which always made things funnier.

Andy Taylor is my favorite role from Andy Griffith because he in a way is sort of playing himself. He's very much the straight down to Earth man. but he's likable because he's understanding, he not somebody that's quick to anger (as if there's much to get angry about around there) he accepts the people of Mayberry for who they are and why their the way they are. Even like how when it comes down to the police work, he solves them nonviolently, which I like showing you don't' always need force to win. And he's a good friend and father.

Barney Fiffe my favorite character in the show and favorite role form Don Knotts, he always had these big expressive eyes. I always love how overzealous he was, this is a guy that just love the heck out of his job, though could be guilty of over doing it a bit. It's always funny how he only has one bullet in his pocket, in a way as a precaution, not to say he's trigger happy but a bit shaky on the trigger.

But in a way that overzealousness is a bit of a strength because he takes action when needed, he believes in what he's doing and does it actually effectively if not always efficiently but gets the job done all the same. But most importantly he has a good heart and a good brotherly dynamic with Andy, as he helps and watches his back he does the same.

Gomer Pyle my second favorite character. His character is such a loveable soul, I really like how he in a way is almost a man child or childlike, as he seems to approach things in a childlike innocence and perspective, that hillbilly like accent sort of adds to it. He's not the brightest bulb but he has a good heart as he always sticks by both Andy and Barney and does his best to help others. But I just love how he's always has this endless positive attitude toward people and life itself, even when he is down a time or two it doesn't last he just bounces right back up, which is where he belongs.

A lot can happen in a small town, which is part of what makes them beautiful.

Rating: 4 stars
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