"A barman was busy re-arranging the dust"
3 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A magazine writer Roy Savage is tasked by his editor to cover the suicide of a young woman from the human interest angle but on looking into it further the reporter discovers something sinister afoot. This low budget film from the Danziger Brothers is engrossing for most of its length but falters when it substitutes action for investigation. Until then the plot unfolds quite nicely. The identity of the main villain took me by surprise but it was plausible.

Dermot Walsh is fine as the dogged Savage and there are the usual good supporting performances from Ferdy Mayne, Martin Benson and Ernest Clark. Unfortunately Hazel Court and Jennifer Jayne don't get to do much which is a shame as both were capable actresses.

There is a lot of narration which could have been reduced and the breaking of the fourth wall not needed but on the whole a reasonable entertainment.
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