It was good, I watched it despite the bad reviews
2 February 2020
I read all the books and loved them, except for American Assassin. It was hard to deal with the flashback aspect of the story. Seeing an inept young Rapp after all of the books where he was a super efficient cold blooded killer. I was so unimpressed by the book the I actually bought it twice totally forgetting that I had read it already.

This movie was good. Dylan was a good choice for the dark haired Rapp and perfect for the flashback aspect of seeing Rapp as a very young inexperienced and mad man. Worst part of the book was the a hole attitude of Hurley. It was like I am going to teach you to be a killer by making you want to kill me. Some of that was there in the movie but toned down so it didn't dominate the story.

Didn't see the cliches everyone is talking about. There are only so many angles on terrorism stories and they made nice twists on some of those.

Overall very good and I would like to see more if they can show Rapp maturing and getting hold of his emotions like he does in the earlier books.
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