Silent Witness: Seven Times: Part 2 (2020)
Season 23, Episode 6
Possibly the weakest of the series.
22 January 2020
It's another harsh episode, the miseries and impacts of domestic violence plainly visible for all to see. Important that domestic violence is shown in a true light, it's not just about men attacking women, it can happen in any dynamic.

It doesn't seem to have been the most well received episode on Earth, and I can sort of understand why, continually grim, a little bit easy to work out, I found it a little on the boring side.

I am loving the DI's range of trendy shirts, he's been a good character, with a wicked taste in fashion. Thank goodness for Clarissa, she injected some humour, and was genuinely brilliant. Best thing about this story the whole way through has been Sian Reese Williams.

Several comments on twitter about this story being woke, I would argue by saying we are a multicultural society, but they pushed it a little with the villainous white posh men sprouting how they're an endangered species, the judge taking the side of the dad, Thomas's all boys club, this was tedious writing, I'm all for equality, but please BBC give us a little break in between this and Dr Who.

Hopefully it'll be back on track next week. This was disappointing. 5/10
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