Spinning Out (2020)
Not good
21 January 2020
I only made it to the fourth episode. I would like to be paid for my time please lol. The acting/writing of the series is horrible. January Jones is a great actor but the writers let her down on this one big time. The plot is ok but it's been done many times before. Just a regurgitated version of The Cutting Edge(1992) with the gender rolls flipped. The plot is incredibly predictable which I'm ok with if it was done well. However, I am getting really bored of the cliché angry at the world girl that can't seem to get over her BS and ends up blaming everyone that comes in her path for her problems. Then, is rewarded with everything she wants despite her horrible attitude and bad decisions. It's pretty gross. How old they are in real life vs their age in the show was very distracting. And, there really was no chemistry with any of the characters. It seemed like everyone just hated making this. In this day and age where a new TV series pops up every other day, the competition is high. NEXT!!
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