The Fanatic (2019)
Horrid Film.
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Review: 'The Fanatic' is a psychological thriller directed and co-written by Fred Durst. STOP! Please, before reading this review, first go and search up the director into Google. Then write in the comment section your reaction to what you've just learned. Now that that is over with, we can talk about my feelings about this film. I just watched this today and had to talk about, because I loved this movie. It's so bad, you can't help but enjoy yourself watching it. You don't take anything that is being said or done seriously, and you just have to laugh with yourself. I really feel like I'm going to bash this movie, because it's not a good film at all. However, I really want to convince anyone I can to see this movie! The film is about a guy named Moose - played by John Travolta - who is a self proclaimed superfan of this actor named Hunter Dunbar - played by Devo Sawa. At a signing event, Moose waits in line close to an hour to get an autograph from his idol. When Moose finally gets to the front of the line, the actor is pulled away for some reason and Moose doesn't even get to meet him. So, he does the only logical thing he can think of and downloads the 'StarMap' app on his cell phone so he can track down his idol and get his autograph. For some reason this doesn't make Hunter Dunbar very happy and he starts to yell at Moose as well as get physical. Things escalate quickly and Moose leaves and later decides to get revenge. Okay, now listen to this. I don't know what was going on with any of these actors! I do have to say Devon Sawa seemed like he was really trying and a lot of scenes he was in he is believable in them. I actually felt bad for him, not his character and what he goes through, Devon Sawa as an actor, I felt bad for him being in this movie. I mean, my god John Travolta! Maybe it's not his fault and it's just because I'm not used to him being in this type of role. I have no idea what he is doing. I understand he is trying to play this guy with a mental disability of some kind, but the movie never discusses it or brings anything up. You just know that something is off, and it gets annoying that it's never explained. There is nothing in this movie I would I say I liked. They're things in this movie I found funny, but that were definitely not supposed to be comedic. There is a scene when Moose is at Hunter's house in the garden and he gets caught by the maid. She is scared obviously and starts hitting him with a feather duster, and he is yelling in pain! I mean, I don't know how much a feather duster would hurt, but my guess is not at all. He eventually gets so upset he hit her in the face, she falls backwards and hit her head and dies. Moose stands in front of her and freaks out a bit, asking if she is okay and says "oh, that's a bad nosebleed. I had a nosebleed once, wasn't good." Then as I was laughing out loud at this scene, his character immediately gets distracted by some wind chimes and goes inside the house leaving the maid in the garden. The ending of this movie is so messed up, I actually was laughing through it too. Moose ties up Hunter at his house, in his own bed. He first pretends to kill himself in front of Hunter, then pretends to kill Hunter, laughing as he is doing it. The scene is supposed to be uncomfortable, but just felt very humorous. Hunter actually convinces Moose to untie him, and the two have a 'nice' chat. He knows Moose would not hurt him; he was just angry about not getting an autograph. However, once untied Hunter than head butts him, shoots his fingers off with a shotgun he has on his bed stand for some reason, kicks him down the stairs, shoots two shots on each side of his head and stabs him in the eye with a hunter knife. WHAT THE!?! That whole scene takes place in about 3 minutes, and 2 seconds after Hunter angerly stabs him he then walks him gently out the front door! I mean, come on! There is so much more to say, but I can't. It would be going on forever. The last thing I will say is advice to the director, Fred Durst. Get your head out of your own ass and don't shove your music onto us! There is a scene in this movie where Devon Sawa's character is driving around his son preaching about how much he loves Limp Bizkit while the music blares in the car. How much more on the nose can you get? Overall, everybody needs to see this movie at east once. It gives 'The Room' by Tommy Wiseau a run for its money for the best worst movie ever made. 1.5/5
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