Review of 2015

The Loudest Voice: 2015 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
I must be missing something?
15 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode's story line left me very confused. Everyone watching understands Roger is a bad guy. Every episode they reveal something creepy about him. This episode was no different. But the Gretchen Carlson character played by Naomi Watts, has me baffled. She comes across as a little arrogant,entitled and demanding. According to the timeline in the first 6 episodes, she approached Roger four times to ask or complain about what she wanted, or wasn't happy with. And when her boss, as creepy as he is turned her down, she got angry about it, and tried to get a gig on The View. You don't have to like your boss, and he sure isn't likable, but he does have the right to say no. I don't want to give you a different time slot e.t.c. What's got me confused is now I find myself wondering, did they portray her that way purposely? Or did I miss something that explained why she was pushing for more notoriety, like being upset she didn't get 'The View" job?. Or the perfect time slot? I'm really at a loss. I think I'm supposed to be routing for her, and yet she makes it hard too. The obvious nauseating advances by Roger don't help me understand why she acted that way before they actually started. All in all, another great acting display by Russell. He continues to amaze me with his skill and commitment.
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