Top Talent
12 January 2020
Singer Ilona Massey is suspected of being a German spy, sending key information over the radio. Scotland Yard, in the person of Basil Rathbone, and the FBI, in the person of George Brent, investigate, even as Miss Massey and Brent make goo-goo eyes at each other. Is she a spy or an unwitting tool? Does she care about Brent? Can they crack this case?

Rathbone's character is not top notch; his salient features are befuddlement at American slang, his ability to operate solo or in cooperation with the FBI at will, and the overacting he and Brent perform in conversation; I suppose that is meant to be arch.

It's a competent enough movie under the direction of Tim Whelan. Miss Massey is stunningly beautiful and her costumes are magnificent. This was clearly intended by producer Edward Small as a major production.

The six-times married Brent led an interesting life. He had been an IRA runner before he was 16, came to the US, went back to Ireland to act with the Abbey Players, then back to the US. He started working for the Warner Brothers in 1930, what ere he became a useful leading man for their women stars; he costarred with Bette Davis in eleven movies. He died in 1979, aged 75.
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