Dracula: The Dark Compass (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Jumbled Plot with Good Ending
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, episodes 1 and 2 were spectacular. The tale was told differently enough to keep me captivated and I absolutely adored Sister Agatha. I expected them to have a final stand off with the other characters and Mina may come back...but I was severely let down. It is a shame, too. I've watched the episode twice and I want to like it--but it is just too much of a time jump for it not to throttle me. I feel like the writers had a 6 episode outline and Netflix only gave them 3 so they had to cut all of the plot points and we are left with this. But, with that being said, I love how it ended. I love it so much in fact that I am willing to overlook the time jump. I still thought Dr Seward was under utilized but I did like him. Quincy was completely chopped, as well as the one Lucy ended up marrying in the book. All and All, I would have liked to have seen this as an actual series where Dracula and Sister Agatha keep fighting each other through the centuries with a love/hate sexual tension that is shown here. Oh well. Still, very well done.
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