Mistress Hunter (2018 TV Movie)
The Fixer
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Mistress Hunter" included an engaging set of characters and intriguing plot twists. The lead actress did an excellent job in portraying the dilemma of "the scorned woman," who acts out of emotion, as opposed to reason, in order to retaliate on her cheating husband.

Jackie Blancher has sensed for a long time that her husband Karl has been unfaithful. Jackie goes ballistic after following him one day and observing him entering into the love nest with Beth, his mistress. Jackie then learns from her bestie Val about of the phenomenon of a "mistress hunter," who will investigate the husband, compile the evidence, then ruin the lives of the cheaters without inflicting any violence. The plan backfires when the husband and the mistress die and Jackie becomes the primary suspect.

In a rare departure from Lifetime films, the police were extremely efficient in this film, discovering the evidence that had been carefully planted to frame Jackie. But she must use her own resources to figure out what happened in the slaying of Karl and Beth. A theme that unfolds in the film is "you cannot control who you love," an adage that afflicted one of Karl's mistresses in a most unhealthy way.

Beyond Jackie, the mistress hunter herself was a lively fireball of a character, who has the best line in the film. She goes by the name of Hannah Arrington and has conceived an elaborate means of remaining under the radar to work as a vigilante. With great irony, Hannah the fixer casually informs Jackie, "business is good!"
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