I laughed once....
9 January 2020
Then realized the joke was unintended.

What a hackneyed, stereotyping, unfunny slog this was to watch. I went in expecting at minimum, a vaguely sophomoric homage to MPython and instead found a Keystone Kops movie written by the Keystone Kops; a movie meant to provoke with not a single 'idea'.

How do you do that? How does anyone set out to make a movie specifically designed to upset the Christian apple cart Armed with only a child's knowledge of Roman Catholic dogma and a rubber chicken? How does Netflix agree to showcase such an abysmal experience?

Don't even bother with this one- watch 'Dogma' instead; it's provoking, subversive, jam packed with ideas and so funny, it bears watching over and over because laughing makes you miss so much of it's clever, dogmatic ideas.
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