Green Eggs and Ham: There (2019)
Season 1, Episode 12
Scam I-Am
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as "A Government Band Around Each Hand".

"Plot twists for days! Binge-worthy" Oy gevalt. When Sam made that fourth-wall joke, he meant it. Speaking of Sam, he's a con artist. We don't know if his name is actually Sam. We don't know when he is or isn't lying. That Sam I-Am! That Sam I-Am! It was awesome when Guy delivered the full rhyme in a viscerally angry rant. Michael Douglas does pretty well for someone who has only ever voice acted twice before in his life (and survived oral cancer). Adam Devine is an amazing voice actor and he captures Sam's many sides perfectly. Sam is genuinely kind and genuinely shifty. He's no one thing but all of them at once. The subplot with Michellee and EB makes the episode a little uneven, but it builds up to a powerful ending. I find it interesting that the BADGUYs appear to be a government agency, seeing as they are able to make arrests, although for Guy it must have been like being arrested by the Nature Conservancy Council.
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