Westworld: Journey into Night (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Late to the game, but what happened?
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There may be spoilers, if like me you are catching up late to the party...

So, be warned, spoilers below...

I watched the first season's 10 episodes back to back and thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. At only point was I bored, disinterested, or upset. And that was the plot point of Stubbs specifically asking a control room tech to watch over him and then he disappeared without another mention until...

Until he casually walked onscreen in the pilot of Season 2! WTF??!! No explanation, nothing. I was yelling at my screen - NO WAY. Unbelievable. Very lazy writing. Leaving plot holes like that is sloppy.

Additionally, William (Man in black) showing up. Also, not likely. He wanted the hosts to fight back so when he was faced with an army of hosts in the season finally he should have been killed. Others have mentioned the miraculous healing of his injuries - the bullet wound will get infected in a few days without proper medical attention. A little whisky and a bandage are insufficient.

Then we have the time lapse of 2 weeks when Bernard is found on the beach! BEACH!? And we find out that the park is actually an ISLAND? WTF??? An island??? NOPE. Not buying it. With the Grand Canyon, etc!? I don't think so.

As well, the park has been open for 30 years and we are left to believe that the technology hasn't improved in that time? They are still using the same flip open tablet phone things they had 30 years ago (according to Dolores's memories from the time shifting first season). I'm sorry, but no.

I'm conflicted. I loved the first season for the most part but the season premiere is leaving me cold - too many new characters I don't care about or like and I'm really rather done with Dolores's story arc.

I'm taking a break before watching any more. I'm disappointed and really blah so far.

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