Fast forward to the end credits!
6 January 2020
The best part of this movie was the two seconds that Misty Copland danced at the party, but at least the end credits show a more extensive performance - just like a consolation prize that you got for sitting through this unbearable, predictable cliche bore of a movie. I love Christmas and I love Disney movies, so I wasn't expecting it to be a ballet or even follow the original story, but this was just another heartless, soulless paint by numbers script. Yes the visuals and costuming was some of the best I've seen, but I imagine if they were just beautiful photographs on a gallery wall I would have enjoyed them more because I could imagine that something fun and interesting was going on, rather than the reality of this movie! Yes I love Mackenzie Foy but she can't save a dull script. Keira Knightly is as miscast as Cameron Diaz was in the Annie remake! Stop with the fake fairytale voices, it's distracting and off putting. Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman were unnecessary big names in a story that requires not much of them.

Maybe if you liked the boring Maleficent, you'll like this. At least a Wrinkle in Time had a less predictable flow. This had so much potential to be something like "Hugo", but just follows the same straight-line plot as the 20 previous movies made about good vs evil! I'd let a 5-year old who hadn't seen any other movies watch this.
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