Review of Brother

Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
I wish the CGI budget was spent on hiring better writers.
5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no doubt that this show continues to look amazing but even though visually this is the best scifi show I have ever seen the terrible writing continues to let this show down.

The show starts with running into the Enterprise which is disabled in a way that will take so long to fix Captain Pike abandons it at the end of the episode to Captain the Discovery. Though from the outside the ship looks perfectly fine and the entire crew is alive. What actually happened to the ship to magically damage it is never figured out through the entire episode and no one seems to actually care.

Pike beams over to the Discovery and takes over as Captain to continue the mission of finding mysterious blinking lights. I guess leaving the Enterprise and crew behind to deal with whatever happened to there ship on their own. It also seems a bit bizarre that Pike brings along the engineer from Enterprise. I guess he really hates his crew and wants them to drift in space while he investigates some lights in space.

While investigating the blinking lights they discover a crashed federation ship. They get into some kind of strange pods that have never existed in the Star Trek Universe (or even season 1) and fly through the asteroid field spending about 3 million in CGI effects in the process. Then they just use the transporters on the crashed ship to transport back. Again if the way of getting off the ship was that easy they should have just sent some probes down to see if anyone was alive or figured out a way to communicate with people on the crashed ship. Then they could have just transported them off. This show creates needless drama for no real reason and the entire flying through asteroids with the pods is a perfect example.

Then after they save the people on the ship they capture an asteroid the size of the cargo bay. Which again doesn't make sense since Tilly just wanted a sample and Michael had planned to bring back a rock smaller than her hand. But in the span of a couple minutes a small rock is no longer enough and they need a giant one (without explanation) just to add yet more pointless tension to the story.

Then Michael is just let into Spocks quarters and is free to go through his Personal logs at her will.
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