Verführung in 6 Gängen (2004 TV Movie)
This movie will not seduce you, but instead you will feel an urge to throw up
2 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Verführung in 6 Gängen", which means "Sedction in 6 Courses", is a German television film from 2004, so this is over 15 years old now already (yep it is 2020!), and maybe the title makes it pretty obvious already that here we have another "Schmonzette" is what we call these films in German, unrealistic romance plots, pseudo dramatic subplots and desperate attempts to evoke emotion in the audience despite the talent not even close to being there. This refers mostly to the screenplay and the writer here is Saskia Lechtenbrink who was almost a rookie back then and is not really more experienced today. Judging from the quality here I cannot say I am disappointed at all that she has not worked on new screeplays (according to imdb) in over a decade. The director is Ariane Zeller, slightly more experienced back then and also still working today. But nothing really worth mentioning in her body of work. Certainly not this film here. Now don't get me wrong, it is not 100% failure, but the only reason that it is nowhere near the worst you see on German television these days is that there is a lot of garbage floating around, not because this film is any good or so. It definitely isn't. Lead actor Heio von Stetten occasionally manages to elevate the weak material and he is maybe the best thing about this film. But again this is only because everything else is so weak. Tina Ruland will always be remembered for Manta I suppose and rightfully so. When it comes to dramatic acting, she is completely exposed for being void of any talent. And her okay looks and nice outfits can only make up for so much. As for the two child actors, I am a bit surprised that Enenkel appeared in almost nothing except this film. She was okay despite her lines really not being good from any perspective. Especially that last line she says to her dad implying she would rather have him dead and not her mother is kinda cringeworthy, but somehow she makes it work. Oh well, I hope she has a good life away from the limelight. As for Pascal Andres, who played the son, he acted pretty recently still being deep into adulthood now. Nothing famous or so, but still. He was okay here. I've seen worse.

Two cast members I definitely want to talk about are Irm Hermann and Rüdiger Vogler. Hermann was one of Germany's most successful actresses during her prime working constantly with Fassbinder and it is really sad what she is reduced to here. No material at all to shine, no elaborarion on her character and all that stays a bit in the mind is an old guy staring at her lustfully. I feel really bad for her. Oh well, I should remember this film is also pretty old already and she is still working, hopefully with better characters and filmmakers. And the old guy I just mentioned is played by Vogler. He worked a lot with Wim Wenders mostly also a long time ago, but this also turned him into a bit of a star, but yeah not much of that is left apparently if he appears in films like this. Sad to see knowing that he was the lead in stuff like "Alice in the Cities". His character here is actually maybe even the one who is written the worst. Be it his health struggles minutes after he talked about his great health with another character (such poor writing honestly how they have him collapse! and no comment on Ruland's character's words sometimes it happens faster than you think), be it his clumsy attempts to speak English (oh yes Ruland's character is so great at speaking English what a desirable woman we get it NOT) or the story that involves him about the restaurant that his late daughter helped to turn into something special and how he wants to keep it alive. But very character has their stupid moments really. be it the little boy who talks in sleep about his mother. Be it the pointless story involving the girl and a potential love interest or bei it Ruland's character talking about her cat as if she was a lover. And von Stetten of course too. There are enough moments when the script fails to write a whole paragraph about, but I will just give you one, namely early at the hospital when the nurse/doctor says something what a brave daughter he has and he responds something like she has that from her mother and is not able to say the word "mother". This also applies to the scene later on when he and Ruland's character get closer and then all of a sudden there is a song playing which was his late wife's favorite song or so and he goes all angry and treats Ruland's character badly. It just felt so poorly written. I can't even blame the actors, even Hollywood's finestg could not have made it work. Or how they include a really rushed-in storyline near the end about the daughter not wanting Ruland's character to be the new woman in her dad's life. I mean it makes sense, he cannot talk about the kids' mother, he cannot listen to the music she liked, but he is ready for a new woman? Only in the (horrible) movies. If there is one thing I liked, then maybe that they kept it on the low when it comes to the two becoming a couple, even if it is made clear they will. But no big moments when they are making out or so. Or more. Then again, this is harmless afternoon television and it is a family movie. This is probably teh better explanation than the writer nothing anything about subtlety. Oh yeah I also felt pretty bad for the guy who played the female main character's dad he just had to sit there and listen to his daughter's cringeworthy ramblings. I wonder what the actor was thinking that moment. Maybe that he would rather be everywhere else now while trying to pretend what she actually says is touching and heartfelt. And I feel also bad for the business partner of Ruland's character, the actor I mean. He had just two scenes really or so, but both were so poorly written in terms of how they wanted him to appear unlikable. But I feel even worse about the people who (had to) watch this film. ItÄs a family movie, but unless you want to panish your family (and yourself), you stay away from these under 1.5 hours. Highly not recommended.
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