Wish the whole Krampus thing would go away.
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I heard about Krampus was a special episode of the Venture Brothers and then he found his way on American Dad. Now everyone acts like this is a mainstream thing, when it is just something to tell naughty children in Germany or some country. It was not a worldwide thing and that it has gotten so big is just stupid, it doesn't even look scary. Honestly, the country where naughty children are eaten by a large cat is more terrifying than the whole Krampus story. This one, does not really do the whole Krampus punishing naughty children. It is more Krampus as a wild out of control killing machine, so while it was bad, it was fun to watch as I got to make fun of it with my wife.

The story has some guys digging up treasure on a very unspecific date in time. They find a rock buried in a chest and it unleashes Krampus upon them! Years later a family is making their way to a Christmas family gathering. The daughter has a rather nice family and the brother has a rather obnoxious family, but forget that, the dynamics of the two families is kind of wasted once Krampus comes out as he kills everyone! Good, bad and grandma! They try to escape this being that walks around eating people, ripping heads off and bonking two rednecks to death...good thing too, as they were annoying. Wish they killed Troy a lot sooner.

The kills are pretty funny, the cast horrible and all you are waiting for is the super obnoxious Troy to get his throughout the film! Too bad it is at the end in a scene that makes absolutely no sense as the camera angles suck and what Troy is looking at is dreadfully unclear.

So, this movie is rather bad and another film trying to bring Krampus alive. This one just had the basic look down, which is that of some strange goat monster. This one looked like a goat monster wearing a bath rug from the 70's. The characters have lots of pointless exchanges as they have to pad this film out, as that scene where the two redneck guys talking about killing bigfoot just kept going and going! It is a fun movie to make fun of, but not a good horror film in any other way except a few good kills.
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