Horrors in Highgate
29 December 2019
I'm probably in a very small group of people that actually really enjoys Andy Milligan movies , this for me ,is without question , his best it's a very clear nod to "Dracula" 1931 version and Hammer movies that were still being churned out at the time , Milligan must have also been very aware of the story that was big in the press at the time of the so called "Highgate vampire " he uses about a minute of screen time of the location and even then we just see 3 pantomime style vampire ladies with green make up slathered over their faces attack a woman who is tending to a grave , the plot concerns a reverend who is a centuries old vampire whose bloodline is dying out due to incest , he traces family members who may or may not be good to sire the next generation of vampire children , he finds it in a relative who is already pregnant and plans to use her child to carry on the legacy , Its shockingly cheap , badly acted but there is just something about this film that appeals to me Don't go expecting a hammer style movie , this has more in common with Acorn Antiques !
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