Some people just don't get it...
27 December 2019
This movie is an utter masterpiece. Like any piece of art, it decides opinions. Some hate it, some love it. The Movie portrays harsh social commentary in a smart, satirical way. The Protagonist, Pip, however often pronounced as "poo" is a muscular Jack Russel, aka. a jacked Russell. He goes from his pampered, secured life as a pullover wearing doggie, to having to survive in the wild. An epic adventure akin to Raiders of the Lost arc, but with the emotions of Pixar's Coco. I don't want to spoiler too much, but there are Hippos in the movie that are disguised as Rhinos. This of course is to be understood as a critique of the affects of modern commercialism on our society. I feel very sorry for everyone who doesn't understand this deeper meaning. Or the poor souls who actually watched this piece.
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