Linda Fairstein has no room to talk
19 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was an interesting story, but this documentary gave FAR too much screentime and positive attention to Linda Fairstein, who was the lead prosecutor in this case. It seems that after doing poorly in this case, she was determined to get a conviction no matter what (as most prosecutors only care about 'winning' rather than what it is just) by railroading some innocent teenagers in the Central Park Jogger case, who became known as the Central Park Five (now known as the Exonerated Five). This documentary hails her as a "hero" and "fighter for justice" when we all know she was anything but. Perhaps she believed doing this documentary would help rehabilitate her image, but all it did was make look like a fool. Nice try, Fairstein. Those boys might be free now, but it's not too late to put you in jail. As for Chambers and Levin, who knows what happened. What is clear is that Fairstein failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. Who's fault was that again?
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