Staging Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Soleil completely ruined this movie
16 December 2019
First off the two leads had absolutely no chemistry but it wasn't as bad as Solei's performance. All the non stop smiling (I bet she smiled in her sleep) to the constant talking to people as if she was talking to a child wasn't half as bad as the non stop head tilting. Watching the movie all I could think about was the fact that she kept tilting her head to one side. She barely kept her head straight. Am I the only person who noticed that? I could not stand it. I almost didn't finish the movie. On a more positive note the girl that played the daughter was adorable and so sweet. The thing I loved most though was the same relationship of the lead guy's sister. I love that it was not only put into a tv movie but a family Christmas movie. Well done lifetime for doing that.
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