Rick and Morty: Rattlestar Ricklactica (2019)
Season 4, Episode 5
Good! But something still feels off
16 December 2019
Don't get me wrong, this is a really solid episode, but I can't help but feel something is still a little off. The show just feels... different to watch. Which is probably due to the new writers. Still, I feel like the certain quirks and drama that made Rick and Morty stand out from other shows is now missing/watered down. I don't get that same feeling of impact/deeper message that I used to get from the show. The show's witty writing, dark humor and charming personality is still there, but the weird character antics, deep emotional drama and shocking nature of the show, I feel although not gone completely, has been toned down. The moments it does try to be dark/impactful, it just doesn't hit the same way and feels like it's being forced/rushed. The character's personalities have also been altered/toned down. Like Rick and Morty's toxic sides feel muted this season such as Rick's cynical, sociopathic, narcissistic behavior and Morty's insecure, passive behavior. Which is a bit of a shame, because their toxic sides are what made them a great duo to watch. I know shows tend to evolve over time, but it's core elements need to evolve too, not slowly fade away. It's just little nitpicks like this that start to slowly, gradually make a show decline in quality and become a shadow of its former self. The show is still going strong right now, but I unfortunately have to say, it's starting to decline a bit. This was one of the more stronger episodes of this season, just slightly behind the first but just not quite there on the same level with the good episodes from the older seasons.
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