The Trust (2016)
Another Weird, Unpredictable Film By Nicholas Cage
15 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One of the reasons I enjoy Cage films is that they are not formulaic, prepackaged and predictable. You often not quite sure until it is over what genre the film is.

This has a sort of 70's heist feel with a lot of chemistry between Cage and his unlikely pairing with Elijah Wood. At first both of them seem like fairly pedestrian cops until of course as usual you begin to discover one of them is clearly a psycho.

The whole thing runs off the rails, finishes bizarrely and yet as usual with Cage films, I found it enjoyable as hell right to the end. I don't think I have ever seen a Nicholas Cage film that was bad or I didn't think worth watching. This one is a must-see if you can make it through all the strange segueways and character pieces.
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