14 December 2019
First off the words to the song Love is a many splendored thing are beautiful and demand respect. For that alone the movie is worth seeing as it to hear the theme as it comes on in the background often. As to the love affair, I have seen better but for its time it probably had people bawling their eyes out as they left the theater. There was no chemistry between the two leads but the viewers imagination fills it in. How? Its a chance to fantasize about your love life past, present or future and then the movie makes perfect sense. Worthy to note that the star of the picture is really LOVE. Furthermore, how gentle love is as it makes its humble and shy appearance, performs beyond words, speaking in emotions and heart-driven dynamics only to at some point cut its visit short. Why? We don't know but while it is here and visiting or if you are expecting it or perhaps you had it... one can only say thank you when it comes to this subject. Sadly today and at times here and there, people mistake lust for it or ruin love with conditions. The thing is that it stands on its own needing nothing added to it or taken from it except for one small thing: You wish it would last an eternity.....
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