13 December 2019
This film really showed me the exhausting process of a divorce. A side I've never seen because I'm one of the lucky ones that weren't a product of a failed marriage. I never fathomed how hard it is to leave your partner but also maintain a good enough relationship for your child. To be completely selfish yet selfless at the same time. Marriage Story has opened my eyes to what 50% of marriages go through.

The pacing was amazing. I loved the editing style and the flow of the story. Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson were very convincing and absolutely killed their roles. Fantastic screenplay. There were multiple scenes where I really felt so deep in my soul it gave me shivers. Such a raw performance. I haven't stopped looping the scene of Adam Driver singing "Being Alive" because it was so goddamn beautiful.

If I were to nitpick and find a weakness in this film, I would have to say it was dialogue-heavy and lacked quiet scenes. There wasn't much time for the audience to digest the powerful scenes. Other than that, it was an amazing film that lived up to its high rating. Although I've watched a few films after watching this at 3 am in my bed, I can't stop thinking about it. I guess film twitter really did hype up a great film.
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