Annihilation For All
11 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If there is one thing that "Part 3" of Crisis on Infinite Earths prove is that its emotional aspect and writing matters more than its cosmic action scenes. Because they have been downplaying those for like 2 episodes now. I know, I know, the final two are coming in a month or so, but it's really the heartfelt conversations that carry this crossover. That and some stellar cameos. Come to think of it, all of them are fantastic. And in a way, so is Crisis so far. But not without its many faults.

I really appreciated the fact that the writers didn't throw the Kara (Mellisa Benoist) and Kate (Ruby Rose) sub-plot out the window. The two have great chemistry and a compelling Paragon storyline to fulfil. While both of them are different, it was good to see both nearly have at each other and later resolve it. I've never been a huge fan of either of their shows or characters, but in Crisis, they work magic. Seriously.

As for Barry (Grant Gustin) and his Earth-90 counterpart (John Wesley-Shipp), it was their time to shine. Barry was sidelined too much and got the emotionally hard-hitting moments here. While Iris's (Candice Patton) dialogue with her husband felt stilted and inconsequential, everything that went down inside the super treadmill was great, dramatically speaking. The set did feel cheap though and the way it revealed Cress Williams' thundering superhero felt like a disservice to his character. Instead of bolts and furies, a golden spark from behind a cheaply lit object. Williams did get some hefty material to deal with and I could easily see him buddying up with the Flash in the future.

Overall, while the scene maxed out its interactions and goodbyes, it highlighted how much The CW may have hit a budget problem. Whether it's the cinematographer or the director, sometimes it seems like they don't know where to place a camera. Some angles and props don't look entirely clean or organic. The colours are sometimes too vibrant or too flat. It's a problem I've had with this crossover from the get-go. It feels a little less stylish and moody than for example the murky, dark-red aesthetic of Earth-X.

The smallest, yet arguably most critical part of this episode was the restoration of Oliver (Stephen Amell). Having David Ramsey's Diggle and Mia (Katherine McNamara) go on a spiritual quest with Constantine (Matt Ryan) didn't disappoint. In fact, it amounted to one of the most surprising and pleasant cameos period. I won't say the name, but he is on Earth-666. I'll leave it at that. It's just plain awesome. The sub-plot also sets up an intriguing and thoroughly justified new arc for Ollie. Yes, even with no stories left to tell, the Green Arrow still has THE role to play. Good, that is how it should be.

Oh yeah and there is a new superhero on the rise with a certain new scientist. I'm interested, but carefully optimistic on that front.

Now was for the final moments of tension. I'm still a little unsure of why they chose to use Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) to carry out intergalactic genocide. You have the Anti-Monitor. A menacing, hulking, merciless baddie who looks terrifying. What would you have preferred? Lyla tossing a few guys around and scissoring Diggle or the Anti-Monitor leaping through a dark portal and beating Superman into submission. I rest my case. The scene does set up a shocking cliffhanger though, as Earth-1 is reduced to atoms and the Paragons are the last players left standing. That's a good twist, even if we didn't get the Anti-Monitor kicking ass.

"Part 3" of the great Crisis is strong, if not as strong as one would hope it be. There are emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings and some action scenes you may not find that impressive. There is also a sore lack of an Anti-Monitor here, which adds to the final admittedly awesome twist being less impactful. The plot progresses with some great cameos and developments both external and internal, but there is a lack of action. And a defining aesthetic to back it all up. It's been a treat watching all these characters converse and evolve. Now it's time send them to battle. January can't get here sooner...
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