Build up for the amazing things to come, a great episode
9 December 2019
The Crisis is upon us...Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same. That speech is the basis of the Crisis, characters and worlds will die as we clearly experienced in Arrow when Earth-2 got destroyed. The excellent director, Jesse Warn got the honor to direct the first part of the huge event and he doesn't disappoint. It's fast paced, entertaining and an interesting episode. The special effects are actually great and so is the writing, I got high hopes for this.

The Easter eggs and cameos in the intro part was awesome, also Burt Ward. Best cameo! This is a build up to the 4 episodes left of the Crisis event and if people thought the whole thing would be chaotic and filled with action they are wrong, in this episode we get to see a lot of character interactions, good ones at that. We get to see how big the multiverse really is and how everything fits together. After 20 minutes of build up, we get some really awesome action sequences and some emotional character moments. The whole episode ended in such an extraordinary way that kept us on the edge of our seats and made us hyped for part 2 of Crisis on Infinite Earth's.
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