Star Wars: Rebels: Droids in Distress (2014)
Season 1, Episode 2
Fighter Flight
8 December 2019
Another nice little episode. Not really furthering the overall story of the series, but it did set up a beautiful friendship between Ezra and Zeb, thus giving those two characters a lot more development. A lot of nice action sequences, and a thrilling chase that was both intense and enjoyable to watch unfold on the screen. Even though I did like the "individual" nature of this episode, I also missed the rest of the team throughout. This is an ensemble series, and it felt a little lacking without the rest, but it did give these individual members moments to shine, so I can't be too upset at it. I also liked the humor in this episode, which is the first time I think the humor has really felt natural, and I imagine that was due to Kevin Hopps writing. Maybe he has a little better control over how much humor and the mix of the fun to be included, so I hope to see more from him. So overall, a great narrative, some nice comedic moments, and a lot of great development for these characters, and even though I thought the episode lacked a little bit on the story front and I missed the rest of the team, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
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