Boring, and possibly the worst episode of the show
6 December 2019
Except for a pretty decent and kinda interesting new character in the Sphinx, this episode was so boring. Snooze galore!

Not only was is boring, and generally badly done, I also did not feel the acting. Normally this show, no matter how cliche or crappy it is, the actors save it and it is still watchable, but so not with this episode. Have the actors grown tired of this too?

Honestly I do not care anymore. I had some hope for this season seeing it had a good start and a couple of pretty good episode, but I have better things to do than to follow this cliche ridden bore. Since the next episode is a xmas one, we can safely assume that too will be so filled to the brim with cliches that we should all do drinking games to it. I will consequently wait for the first episode after xmas to decide whether or not I will stop watching or not.

I give this episode a 3/10 mainly because of the Sphinx, I liked that guy, but this was not good.

I have said it before, this show need to move on, it need to grow up. Stop dancing around adult subject, you are grown-ups and sex is part of life; you are werewolfs, vampires and witches, act like it! Get out of that dumb school, join the FBI or go on a killing spree, whatever, but move on.
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