Green Eggs and Ham (2019–2022)
A Plesant Surprise
2 December 2019
I went into Green Eggs and Ham because IT.WAS.EVERYWHERE. Everyone said it's really good and eventually I gave in because it looked like something I might like. Even tho I came in with not many expectations, I left very satisfied and happy. I loved the show.

This series has absolutely gorgeous visuals. The animation is unique and high quality. I like how wacky and cute it looks. All the facial expressions and over-exaggerated movements really brought the world to life. The character designs were something I got used to. Don't get me wrong, they are super adorable but not really my taste (never really been a fan of Dr.Seuss' work). The world was very interesting too. I like how they just went with all the cartoon logic machines and weird creatures.

Good voice acting makes good characters. You can really tell that the actors were giving their all to the performance and they totally nailed it. All the characters had a distinguishable voice, speech pattern and vocabulary.

The story was enjoyable to follow. I really got sucked into it after the first episode. The foreshadowing and plot twists were great. They weren't too predictable and they made sense as they came. Every character was unique and fun in their own ways. I was rooting for pretty much everybody except Goat and Snerz

I hope this gets another season :)))
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