Review of See

See (2019–2022)
Suspension of disbelief only goes so far
29 November 2019
One full episode was enough for me, but to be honest i wanted to quit after that silly wardance already.Probably Jason Momoa's own idea or one of the reasons that convinced him doing this show...blinded i guess hehe. No need to watch more, it's obvious where this is going (or not) Time is limited, so better not waste it by hoping this show will change to your won't!

Anyway. I really, really, really tried to get past them being blind, but it is so poorly done that it becomes unbelievable. Why not just say that there are only 2 million people left after a virus and ditch the whole blindness part? Would have been fine by me. Or make them deaf for all i care. Anything but blind! How did they manage to build all those houses, make perfect cloths and stay clear from predators etc? Blind people can adapt, sure, but to this level and survive and not becoming extinct? They just act too much like seeing people...sorry. They go to war in the hills with axes and swords? I probably slit my brothers throat when chopping away like that LOL, or at least tear a muscle when i fall from a slight height as you can't predict when you hit the ground. (muscle memory etc) . For Pete's sake give them all at least a stick or cane when moving around. One of the first things i would do if blind. It are not worker-ants recognizing each other by smell! And why even bother putting on warpaint if you are all blind? Scare of some bears, as it is perhaps some smelly dirt they can't stand? Anyone's guess. So many questions, so little credibility.

How this got to be a series is beyond me. There many steps before something goes into production, so many sleepless nights to think it all over, to tweak and mold the product, and they managed to come up with this?! What a waste as it all looks beautiful.

3 stars for the trouble, because the locations look stunning Hear Hear!
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